The sequel titled Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part - 2 is an upcoming American science fiction war film which is an elaborated version of its prequel.The first edition of the franchise was directed by Francis Lawrence while its screenplay was done by Peter Craig and Danny Strong. This team has reunited to recreate the magic on celluloid with the series second installment.

Both the parts of Hunger Games: Mockingjay are based on the Novel Titled ‘Mockingjay’. Mokingjay-1 has already won lot of appreciation with it grossing over $2.3 billion at the global box office. Mokingjay-2 is expected to deliver double the thrill to its audiences while estimated to break the existing records. The recently released trailer of the film has managed to create curiosity among its audience who eagerly await the release of the sequel.

The film boasts of several Hollywood stars like Jennifer Lawrence, Liam Hemsworth, Julianne Moore, Elizabeth Banks, Natalie Dormer, Stef Dawson, Jeffrey Wright, Evan Ross  in addition to others. Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part - 2 is produced by Nina Jackobson and Jon Kilik and distributed by Lionsgate.

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